Stovetop Popcorn

It’s not secret that I love all things popcorn. Flavored with cheese or caramel, microwaved, cooked in a stir crazy, air popped, movie theater popcorn – I could probably go on! I won’t even begin to tell you how many popcorn machines I own. My recent favorite has been homemade stove top popcorn. The fresh butter flavor just sets it apart from bagged popcorn. This is a base recipe, I tend to change up the measurements depending on whether I’m making myself a snack or a meal (yeah I said meal).


3 Tablespoons Popcorn oil (I prefer Orville Redenbacher)
1/2 Cup Popcorn Seeds (again I prefer Orville Redenbacher, original)
2 Tablespoons Salted Butter

Side Note: You can substitute butter for coconut oil and add any other flavoring you want such as cheese!


1. Put oil into a large pot over medium heat (you want it to have tall sides)
2. Add three kernels of corn to the oil and cover the pot leaving a small gap for the ventilation.
3. Once the first three kernels pop, remove from heat for about 30 seconds to add the remaining kernels and cover leaving the same small gap.
4. Pop. Once the popping has slowed down remove from heat until the popping stops. Pour into bowl.
5. Using the hot pan add the butter to the pan to melt.
6. Pour butter over popcorn and add your choice of topping. Enjoy!

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